This Thanksgiving, there will be two different sweet potato recipes on the table: my mom’s delectable sticky and sweet candied sweet potatoes, and a savory sweet potato gratin. The first is a family recipe that I have yet to master, the latter is my contribution to the family table, via a little organic diner in Brooklyn Heights called Siggy's Good Food.
One of my favorite dishes that Siggy’s makes is their sweet potato gratin. When it took a hiatus from the menu, I decided to experiment at home and see if I could make it myself. I could, sort of: it doesn’t taste exactly like Siggy’s, it takes like Mary’s, and I’m happy with that. I imagine we all do that with recipes anyway--unintentionally personalize.
So enjoy, re-personalize, and I hope you all have a very Happy Thanksgiving!

A side note on sweet potatoes, yams, etc: There are many delicious varieties available now, especially if you explore your local farmers’ market. For this recipe, I recommend garnet yams. They are sweet but mild, and have a bright orange color.
Serves 4 as a side, 2 as a main.
4-5 medium garnet yams, skin on, cut into 1-inch (maybe a little smaller) cubes.
2 leeks, white and light green parts only.
2 sprigs FRESH rosemary
2/3 cup freshly grated parmesan cheese
Fresh cracked pepper
A pinch of cinnamon and nutmeg
Safflower oil (or olive, or sunflower)
Preheat the oven to 400. Place the sweet potato cubes into a casserole dish (8x8 should do it). Add a couple generous glugs of oil, and the season with salt and fresh pepper. Sprinkle ground cinnamon and nutmeg over the top, and mix thoroughly. Roast the sweet potatoes for 15-20 minutes, until they will yield to piercing with a fork, but not until mushy. Remove from the oven and set aside.
While the sweet potatoes are roasting, move on to the leeks.
Trim just the scraggly roots and dark green tops, then slice lengthwise so you wind up with two half cylinders. Rinse the leeks under running water--they can be gritty--then slice crosswise into ½ inch strips. De-stem the rosemary, and roughly chop the leaves. You’ll want about 2 tbsp of chopped rosemary. Heat a good glug of oil in a skillet on medium high heat. Add the leeks and rosemary, season with salt and pepper, and sauté until leeks are translucent.
Combine the leek mixture with the sweet potatoes in the casserole dish, then top with the grated parmesan. Be generous with the cheese. Place the dish back in the oven for about 10 minutes, or until the cheese has melted nicely. Remove from oven and serve immediately.